September 30, 2013

Count down to 100 starts today!

There is a challenge for all CCES classrooms to collect 100 cans of food for the Paradise Valley Food Bank.  Are you ready?  Who will be the first class to bring in 100 cans of food?

September 13, 2013

We should be at Copper Canyon at ...

12:45.  To be safe we need parents at CCES at .12:30,  call all you friends so they know!!

Entered Arizona

140 miles,  eta,,,12:45

Dinner stop

Just left Banning.  Probably five hours to go, eta..12:45

Riverside. 6:10



Last day pictures

On our way!'

All on bus and on our way!  Hopefully depending on Traffic somewhere between 1:00 and 2:00 am.  Will give updates as we get closer.

Arrive long beach 3:00. Be home soon

Leaving Two Harbors. 1:10

Arrived in Two Harbors 12:25

Leaving Camp

11:45 on way home, yeah!!

First Time!

Zero Waste...Good Job Students!!

Last breakfast before we get Mom's home cooking